
Alison Crockett has been teaching vocal technique for over 20 years to people of all ages and genres. As a Voice teacher for Highbridge Voices, a professional children’s training choir in the Bronx, NY, she had to teach children between the ages of 7-15 how to sing in styles ranging from opera based european classical music, musical theater to R&B and Pop stylings. She also had a vibrant  private studio which included aspiring singers to well respected professionals. Many times, Alison went in studio with artists like Awa (Sony Sweden) or Allure(MCA) to help coach and produce vocals that were healthy as well as hot.


“…My job is to make you sound like you…the best you…”


Alison is certified in Somatic VoiceWork TM the LoVetri Method and teaches the singer to be powerfully precise: Using the right amount of power at the right time to create the best outcome for the the singer. Thereby, making sure that the vocalist can sing in a relaxed, genre-appropriate way without “blowing out” or becoming hoarse.


Studios are located in Wheaton, MD and Downtown DC.  Both are accessible by metro. (Wheaton studio is 1 mile away from station)  Skype lessons are available for those who are not in the area or would just not like to leave their home.




Private Lessons:

Lessons are in 30, 45, and 60 minute increments at $50 per 30 minutes. Contact Alison here ( and I will try to get back to you within 24 hours.

Lessons can center in on:

  • Technique – the study of how the voice works.  The student will do various exercises to increase power, range and tone.  Students will need to bring a recording device to record lessons
  • Coaching – This type of lesson deals with the style of HOW to sing a song: phrasing, lyrical development, feel, etc.  Technique is not worked on unless requested
  • Theory and improvisation – for those who are interested in studying the art of scatting and improvising during a jazz song and the music theory needed to be an educated and knowledgeable vocalist

The lesson can be structured any way you like.

Cancellation policy:

If you cannot make your lesson, I need 24 hours notice or you will need to pay for the lesson.  If I have to cancel the lesson, you do not have to pay for the lesson.

I prefer cash, but I will accept checks. Lessons via skype paid through paypal.




 Workshops can be designed to fit your group’s individual needs and interests from vocal technique for modern singing, singing authentically in a choir setting, general musicianship for the aspiring singer, performance practice…Whatever your group is looking for, I can create a workshop that will work for your group.


Vocal Jazz Mini Courses w/Wayne Willentz

Participants have the opportunity to learn about how to use the voice within a jazz setting.  Many courses deal with phrasing and performance technique, but this course actually deals with how to sing better, healthier, and with more ease with the genre of Jazz. Students learn about registration, breathing, support and tone production as it specifically relates to modern music.  Wayne also covers rhythmic improvisation and phrasing in singing.  This is a skill that is rarely discussed in a workshop setting in a way that all can understand.  Students will hear a short lecture about the voice, a group warm up  and then each participant wings with the master piano accompanist, Wayne Wilentz, while Alison helps to guide their voices to mastery…

Class 1: Exploring your range
Class 2: Singing with Power
Class 3: Mastering Rhythm and Feel

People are very happy with their results after taking the class and we are sold out everytime, sometimes within hours of announcing the time and date of the class.

“I loved the workshop and Alison’s vibrant nature was a joy! I have recommended it to all I come in contact with so I hope you have more. I would definitely do it again.” – Candy

“[Alison's] directions were always very clear.  I understood what she was trying to have me do and why…you could probably charge more for all that information…” - Kathy

Contact me here(alisonisdivablue@gmail) to discuss how you would like your masterclass or workshop to go!



Vocal Production

Many times a singer goes into a studio and has no idea how to make their recording really work for their voice.  They are unsure of background vocal arrangements and HOW to sing the song in a studio with appropriate phrasing, riffs and feelings.  A vocal producer can make your recording fabulous.  I bring an extra set of ears to the studio with you.  I have recorded for many years and know a lot of the tricks to make a recording sound it’s best without resorting to autotune all the time.

What you can expect:

  • Vocal technical coaching prior to your recording - I prefer atleast 6-8 weeks of weekly coaching sessions depending on your skill level, so that we may go over all songs and you have a good idea of how to use the technique we’ve been working on
  • Pre-planning of the basic vocal arrangement -  Know when, where, what and how to sing each line so you can go into the studio with confidence and use your time effectively and efficiently.
  • In Studio production - Just as a producer creates the track you to sing on and/or the vision of the session, a vocal producer is in studio coaching, arranging and guiding you through the process so that your vision of your voice can be created.

Cost: in studio time $50 per 30 minutes

Arrangements – variable depending on complexity and difficulty of the song and what is wanted by the singer

Contact me here ( to discuss how to make your recording the success it was intended to be!